Good afternoon. Mission planner 1.3.82. Arducopter 4.5.7 just installed on a new Pixhawk 6X.
Accel calibration completed successfully.
Trying to complete the IMU Temperature calibration process as per the arducopter docs. All fine until I try to find ‘INS_TCALn_TMAX’ in the full parameter list to set it…but it doesn’t exist? Even if I search I only have 4 INS_TCAL items.
What am I missing?!
It does if you enable TCAL and refresh the parameters. No different than any other parameters that need to be enabled to view the options for it.
Ah I see ok, thank you. New user of this so it’s a learning curve. Thanks for you help
@Celtic when you use ArduPilot methodic configurator software all those parameters are automatically correctly set and you do not need to install python to be able to use the better off-line calibration routines.
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