Improve Altitude estimate using F9P rtk

I am using F9P RTK gps. I have set EK3_SRC1_POSZ=3; EK3_ALT_M_NSE=2. My GPS accuracies are great but still there is variation in altitude of drone. I have done a simple takeoff test and stayed for sometime.
How can I improve the altitude maintaining performance here.

Yes, Update to ArduPilot methodic Configurator 0.9.6 or newer and use the 21_ekf_config.param file

@amilcarlucas It is a tuning issue of PSC_POSZ_* and PSC_VELZ_* parameters. Can you please direct me to any guidelines for tuning these parameters. I have already set PSC_ACCZ_P and I as mentioned in tuning page but still it needs more work.

If the EKF is not doing it’s job correctly, the PID controllers will not be able to perform miracles.

Can you please look at logs, EKF is working fine.

I looked at our logs, we also use a F9P. Without tuning the EKF we had altitude drifts. After we tuned it, it worked.

Can you give some idea about the range of this parameter
EK3_ALT_M_NSE. Currently it is 2