I have downloaded Mission Planner 1.3.74 build. When I connect to the software it comes up saying I have a quadrotor and I really have a Hexcoptor - not sure what that is about.
I went through the setup and config tabs and the led is flashing yellow - it comes up saying DISARMED when I select the DATA tab on the screen.
I am a newbie, I just started about a month ago.
Any help is very appreciated. Thank You in advance
Please for the Love of Mike take the props off ASAP. just a few settings and a few parameter changes should have you all set to try to test the motors !! But please make sure you have the props off
Once you reset the frame class you still have a few tests in MP to make to be sure all is ready for outdoor test , you can do these while its storming so your ready my friend.
I was able to get everything done without the props being mounted. Right now MP is seeing 6 motors, but I am not able to engage the motors from my radio, I was able to calibrate my radio through MP with no problem. Trying to see what I might have missed. Quick question is how many links are you supposed to see via the GPS ?
Attached your parameter file. You don’t need any GPS Sats to run the Motor Test in Mission planner which is what you should be doing to test the motors.