I need help updating my 3dr solo hardware. I did my first hardware upgrade i changed the GPS from what 3dr had in solo I changed to the mRo GPS u-Blox Neo-M8N / 3DR SOLO Upgrade I didn’t fly solo be for with the what 3dr had in solo for the GPS because i was worried what i read about other people having problem with what GPS comes in solo from 3dr. I don’t how long it was take 3dr GPS to get Gps Satellites but with the mRo GPS installed in my solo it so fast to find Satellites when I boot up solo it get Satellites so quickly I don’t have to wait it say on the controller fly.
And I change the 3dr last firmware put out. I changed to the opensolo fimware I don’t have the green Cube so i put the opensolo on the cube is inside of solo now. But I read something that is bad because solo reen Cube fix a bug solo have in the motor pods i read if i give solo more power if i fly it so fast the motor pods. Will turn off in the air. I will get green Cube for Christmas i need help how to insall it in solo and how insall opensolo on green Cube using. The sidepilot app for ipad and iphone the right way
And I will get other stuff to update solo like the hdim cable And 2 wifi cards 1 for solo and the controller
Because I don’t why when I am flying I have cam on to sees what the cam sees on my ipad pro about all the time the live video to my ipad stop working i have to solo to come down and I have boot the cam to take live video working again I don’t know what is happening sometimes it will change settings like i have in video and it will change the to take a picture by itself I know I don’t change nothing on the cam when it is flying because my hands on the controller joysticks. I have Cerebral palsy i have a good and bad hand. And I am worried to take my good hand off the joystick and change a setting on my ipad when solo is flying. Because I did that 1 time to test orbit and solo come down so fast i had time hold joystick and push the joystick up:)