I have spent a few months designing and printing a VTOL. Tri-tiltrotor, 1.7m 3.7kg. Battery 4s4p 21700 - 18Ah. Last week I did some hover tests and apart from ‘temporary’ props causing underwhelming lift and a too weak tilt servos burning out, all went well.
New props arrived and I was finding excuses not to do a transition, convinced I would end up with a bag of bits. Yesterday did QSTAB>FBWA and it was perfect. Clearly the dev team have done an incredible job. Thanks guys.
Minor things I need to look at.-
Still a bit underpowered in hover - new props on order.
Probably I can speed up transitions as they use up about 300m.
On changing FBWA>QSTAB the front motors give a full power kick and cause a large speed increase.
On a WP circle mission it flew outside the waypoints. It looks like the roll P might need increasing a bit.
If anyone wants to browse the file, all advice appreciated. (VTOL second trans) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ilmeilnkvkq2a0n7kqkm9/h?rlkey=3dg8ixyk1fowv6o6mrjou781u&st=qtkl8dwb&dl=0
First waypoint mission. Cruise set at 17m/s gave current draw of 7A and prop RPM 4000, almost completely silent. It feels happier above 20m/s. 23m/s draws 16A and have had 29m/s from it in level flight. I think speed is limited by low prop pitch but not sure I can increase due hover requirement. Battery is li-ion 21700 4s4p 18Ah.
Yes I hope to publish them soon. Just want to fix some little issues that showed up during construction. I will probably put them on Cults3D but perhaps there is a better platform?