I would like to test a real antenna tracker, driven by a Pixhawk and the antenna tracker firmware, which is setup “in the middle” : on one side the antenna tracker is linked via 3DR radio to the vehicle, on the other side, it is linked to a PC running Mission planner with a second radio link.
(thus not in a configuration where mission planner is in the middle). The following scheme represents my setup:
I am running SITL+MavProxy on Windows to simulate a quadcopter; so far so good.
How have SITL send out telemetry data over via serial radio from my laptop ?
I have read the wiki in detail for SITL & Mavproxy, nothing found. The Mavproxy “ouput add” command does not work to forward a mavlink ouput to a COM port : it crashes SITIL+Mavproxy with an error message:
_STABILIZE> output add com16
STABILIZE> Adding output com16
Exception in thread main_loop:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\MAVProxy\MAVProxy\build\mavproxy\out00-PYZ.py
z\threading”, line 810, in _bootstrap_inner
File “C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\MAVProxy\MAVProxy\build\mavproxy\out00-PYZ.py
z\threading”, line 763, in run
File “”, line 756, in main_loop
TypeError: argument must be an int, or have a fileno() method.
So I need some help from the community. Has anyone done that succesfully and if yes, how ?