How to turn off S-Curves

I’m trying to have my rover/mower in auto follow the track as closely as possible, hitting waypoints precisely and following the path to the next WP as closely as possible. I’m only using the simulator, so as to take out possible problems in my specific rover. Cannot get it even close. It swings wide at every WP and won’t return to the path. I have set WP_radius and turn_radius to .1m. No joy. It appears to me that S-Curves are aggravating the problem. How do I turn them off? Short of going back to 4.2? In short, what parameters do I set to what, to minimize the effects of S-Curve? Eliminate it if possible, or reduce it if not.

Use pivot turns. Set the WP_PIVOT_ANGLE (forget exactly what it’s called) to some low value like 10 degrees so that every turn that’s more than 10 degrees is executed as a pivot.

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There’s also a fundamental misunderstanding that generated this question. See here. Feel free to chime in!


Let me ask a broader question. A duplicate of another thread, unfortunately. How to get a mower to exactly follow the path from waypoint to waypoint. Not .5m off, but right on the track? In the simulator, as a skid-steer, to so the issues of my particular vehicle and tuning are not a factor.

Closing duplicate.