How to save a flight profile?

I want to move my apm 2.6 from a hex to other configurations, is there a way to save the entire flight profile, so as not to have to go through calibration when switching between my different frames?

In the MP Config Screen there are two buttons on the right hand side: Load and Save.
You can use the Save button to name your existing parameter file and save it to a folder of your choice. The Load button will allow you to load a previously saved parameter file of your choice.

Ahhh, that’s where it was, much thanks!

In the MP Config Screen there are two buttons on the right hand side: Load and Save.
You can use the Save button to name your existing parameter file and save it to a folder of your choice. The Load button will allow you to load a previously saved parameter file of your choice.
TCIII GM[/quote]

So, I’m connected and in the config-tuning, and in all the sub menus on the left, which one is the save load menu in? For some reason I’m not seeing that menu…

When in the MP Config screen, select the Full Parameter List on the left side of the screen.
On the right side of the Full Parameter List screen are the parameter file Load and Save buttons.
In the Config screen there is also a Planner button on the left side. The “Advanced View” box near the bottom of the text in the Planner screen must be checked before using the Full Parameter List screen.

Ahhh, thank you very much, that got me in there. I hadn’t seen that unchecked extra menu before.