How to methodically configure and tune any ArduCopter

Those are documented on the webage that opens in the background.

For smaller STM32 chips with 1Mb of flash, the SysID mode (for which these parameters are made) is disabled by default, but it can be enabled when compiling the firmware (e.g. via, and will still fit many boards.

Thanks for that answer, MaxBuzz, because I checked the list of my parameters in FC, and could not find them and I was perplexedā€¦

Why are some parameters greyed out and unable to be edited?

The document suggests for 13" and above drone set ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTT, ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTD, ATC_RAT_PIT_FLTT, ATC_RAT_PIT_FLTD to 10Hz before conducting the Autotune, whereas initial parameters only set 10Hz for 24" and above.

So, how should the user approach it before starting a safe Autotune for drones between 13" to 23" propellers? The Quiktune was conducted using the initial parameters.

You already set that parameter in the component editor window, so you are not required to enter it again.

The legend on top of the window clearly explains that. Move your mouse over it to get toolrip information.

Are those parameters in the quicktune results page?

I hope I understand the question correctly. My observation, Quiktune does not attempt to change these parameters (ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTT, ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTD, ATC_RAT_PIT_FLTT, ATC_RAT_PIT_FLTD) when completed. It remains the same before and after Quiktune.

That was exactly my question and that was the answer I wanted, thanks.

It depends on noise so I would test it with the 10Hz first and once autotuned, if the results are good I would leave it there.
If not change it a re-do autotune.

Do you think the results are good is subjective? Or there is chart to objectively define it. If after Quiktune, the users find the flying experience good, what is the recommendation? Forget Autotune?

Autotune does stuff that quick tune does not. The recomendation is to do both.

The quality is evaluated by pilot feel and qualitative by how good the vehicle angles track the desired angles

Isnā€™t that Quiktune and Autotune algo define a tune can be completed?

correction, Quiktune did change these parameters.
Interestingly, why is it 17, not 16 or 18? How does Quiktune know I am using a 13" propeller? I left those parameters at 10Hz after all axes Autotune completed.

I changed the comparison report, so it compares immediately after Quiktune. STAT_BOOTCNT,185 vs STAT_BOOTCNT,186
20250131_aft_quiktune_3b.pdf (244.0 KB)

It does not know that.

Hello, since there are many Italian users who use this software to better manage their copters, we were wondering if it was not possible to also include this language in the program in order to make it more understandable even for those who are approaching this type of hobby.

Yes, that is possible and documented

See the github pull request

Are you willing to review the Italian .po file using Poedit?

Here is the Italian version of the software, please test it.

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@Luciano_Andreani any feedback from the italian translation?

At the moment no problems have been foundā€¦inconsistencies in the translationā€¦Thanks

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In 07_esc_param it asks for the following.settings.

ATC_RAT_PIT_SMAX for pitch
PSC_ACCZ_SMAX for position control

For 20inch prop quad what would be a good starting point for these settings?

25 should be fine. And then look at the.bin logs and reduce it if necessary.