Hi, im using MAVROS and an Hexacopter. I want to take off using guided mode and gps. I will carry a payload so I would like for the take off to be as smooth as possible.
When I take off manually I can make the take off much more smoother. I do it by not going full throttle and accelarating slowly.
Is there any way that I can change something to make the guided mode take off accelerate slower and not go to full throttle? guided and manual take off videos
Have a read through this discussion (at least until it diverges into a sort of separate tuning discussion for one user’s Copter).
Those behaviors are now merged into released firmware, and I think the parameters should apply to guided mode takeoffs as well, though I could be mistaken. Try tuning the takeoff behavior in Loiter mode with those parameters and then see how well they translate to guided mode.
In Loiter changed the TKOFF_SLEW_TIME to 10 previously and the drone would take_off at all, it would spin the blades and then come to a stop without coming even close to taking off.
Why does the TKOFF_THR_MAX needs to be set lower than the MOT_THST_HOVER?
I will do a battery of experimetns in Loiter.First, using TKOFF_THR_MAX(currently 0) at values -0.04 of MOT_THST_HOVER(0.32). Then, increasing TKOFF_SLEW_TIME by 5, starting at 0.
Update: We recalibrated our opticalFlow and ran some tests.
After trying the TKOFF_SLEW_TIME = 2 it was still quite agressive. We tried it at 10 and that was smooth enough without being sluggish, so we will keep it.
We did not change the TKOFF_THR_MAX.
Im still not sure about “Why does the TKOFF_THR_MAX needs to be set lower than the MOT_THST_HOVER?”
It doesn’t. I set it to 0.9 by default and don’t change it. However if you don’t want the throttle to go past say 50% during the ramp up then you would set it to 0.5.