But when I createded with connect FC (with MethodicConfigurator), it seems the UART ports are wrong.
e.g. I have connected GPS to UART2, but it’s connected to UART3 and there is no UART2 connection.
There are multiple ways.
If you still have the copter, just connect to MissionPlanner, go to Full Parameter List and “save to file” at top right of the screen.
If you dont have the copter handy, but you have the logs, you can go to “Review a Log” , select the log, select the small check box near the bottom to “Show Params” then save to file.
All the edit box values in thoese steps (including the very first one I have posted, which is not yet automated) need to be checked by myself for comparing configuration from MP’s param dump file?
Is it possible for MethodicConfigurator to use params from connected FC to automatically filling thoese edit box with correct value?
I went and looked at the code. It already uses parameters from the FC (if connected) to pre-fill the “component editor” window data: Code search results · GitHub
So, you might have either found a regression, or you did not had an FC connected.
Most of the “component editor” data is not found in any FC parameter anyway, like the motor model or RC transmitter FW version.
Why are you using version 0.8.9 when 0.9.2 is available?
This is not smart battery, no digital interface, just analog VCC data right now.
I didn’t go through all steps right now. If all the above issues are solved, I will continue my try with MethodicConfigurator, which is apparently easy for params maintenance.