How much is too much ? CCW / CW deviation

How much CCW vs CW deviation is expectable, how much is too much?
I build a large Octo Quad X and get varying deviation between CCW and CW.
I average all CCW RPMs and CW RPMs and get a 13% deviation.
Clearly smaller the better but what is expectable?

Also am I doing the right approach to calculate deviation in parentage of is there a better way.
I am also going to post separately, regarding MP’s MAVGraph CCW/CW.

Acceptable Deviation

  • Good range: Within 5% difference in average RPM between CW and CCW motors is generally acceptable in a well-balanced system.
  • Warning range: Between 5–10% may indicate minor imbalance, but it could still be flyable depending on vibration levels and performance.
  • Critical range: Above 10% suggests a significant imbalance or mechanical issue that could impact flight stability and lead to problems like EKF lane switching.

Does this sound correct?