How do I config External LED module?

How do I config External LED module?

  • (SkyWalker Plane 188cm 2012)
  • 3DR APM 2.6
  • APM:Plane 3.1.1 (upgraded today)
  • Lates Mission Planner (recently upgraded)
  • External LED Module for pin A6 and A7 (whichever is “RED” ARM and SAT “BLUE”) … search=led

With a APM:copter, I should use the Advanced parameter LED_MODE set to 11.
But with the APM:Plane… where do I do that?

The plane firmware does not support that LED module. I would consider a patch to add it if someone wants to work on it.
Meanwhile you can use the same 3 color I2C Toshiba LED that PX4 supports (see the 3DR store). That works on both APM2.x and Pixhawk.
Cheers, Tridge


I am / we are using the APMs on four multicopters (quad, hexa, octa) and on those the LEDs is visual due to the open construction of the multicopters. Not so big need for external LED Module on them. And these all are connected using 3DR Telemetry to Mission Planner so the need for the LEDs is low.

And we also have a SkyWalker and a FireFLY6 where the LEDs are hidden. Thats why we assumed an external LED module would be awesome. :slight_smile: For example the SkyWalker sometimes is flown without telemetry to Mission Planner.

Im not able to do a patch for this.

Toshiba… did you mean this one: … pheral-kit

Big thanks anyway! The external LED Module will find a multicopter to be used on.