the extra command line is " -A “–serial1=udpclient::14550”, but there is a catch, since the SITL used by MP is hardwired to provide connection via TCP:5760 MP will connect to it right after you started the SITL. And when you disconnect the sitl instance will terminated. So if you want to connect via the UDP port created above, you have a second instance of Misson Planner, started after the SITL is started and connected.
You can go directly to the Documents/Mission Planner/sitl folder and start the SITL by hand. The minimal config will be something like this ;
./arducopter -M + --serial0=udpclient::14550
Thanks for the reply. The option to start the SITL by hand is giving me some problems. The command ./arducopter -M + --serial0=udpclient::14550 returns the following error:
\Documents\Mission Planner\sitl> ./arducopter -M + --serial0=udpclient::14550
Suggested EK3_DRAG_BCOEF_* = 16.288, EK3_DRAG_MCOEF = 0.209
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
UDP connection 14550:14550
udp connect failed on port 14550 - Network is unreachable
OS is Windows 11 and the firewall is deactivated, how can this be solved?