Hot Topic video on Notch and FFT filters required to help dumplings

Hello the lovely developers here,recently ive notices a greater interest in both small 250g planes and copter’s which is awesome for ArduPilot,as we are all aware of tuning these smaller craft is more difficult,maybe a video tutorial on how to do this with a special part about notch filters.

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Good idea! On my sub 250 3 "arducopter I followed the wiki, in particular:

  1. plugin for initial configuration
  2. 3-axis autotune
  3. notch filter setting as per wiki.

That’s all. Obviously the quad must be well assembled mechanically without excessive vibrations

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And motor motor compass test of course!

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  1. Tuning Plug-in
  2. Notch filter setting as per Wiki
  3. Auto Tune

Actually I used autotune several times even after notch filter, however it was already flying well. Point 1 is the fundamental one


Indeed. Without setting the Rate and Gyro filters for a small quad it won’t fly.


I just thought a video would help put newcomers on the right track,im not able to do one unfortunately,but all the advise here is spot on


Andy you are awesome,thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart and my doggie says thank you as well for making Marty happy as he will give me extra treats In all fairness this will help loads of ardupilot pilots