Holybro Kopis 2 telemetry

I run the latest version of ArduCopter on a Holybro Kopis 2. The stack is a Kakute F7 Std and Tekko32 F3 4in1. I can’t find a way of measuring current.
The battery is connected to the 4in1 which has resistors for measuring current but the value is transferred to the flight controller. The pins, in the connector have Vbat and telemetry plus the motors. Voltage can be read by Esc telemetry but not current.
The Tekko32 should, according the spec, send current too. Is the a missing feature in ArduCopter?

Many thanks in advance
Mr Anders Wikström

Should work - I have a similar stack (mini versions) and current is fine. What do you have your configuration set to?

I am running 4.1 dev and have it setup like this
Motortest with battery shown no current. And there is no current shown in the log files


That is analog measurement. Works perfectly on Kakute F7 Aio but the Kakute F7 Std has to rely on the esc to send voltage and current.
The Tecco 32 has Vbat only in the connector. I was hoping the get the values through telemetry but i get the voltage only.