I am trying to transition from the Here3 GPS on my Hexacopter to the Holybro H-RTK F9P Helical with the Pixhawk Cube Orange. I am having troubles connecting the GPS module to the Pixhawk. The GPS reads GPS: NO GPS, so it is not detecting the GPS. The actual GPS module continuously blinks yellow twice. I tried it in GPS 2 because that is what cord came with it, didn’t work so I read online and it seemed like people were having troubles with the GPS 2 serial port so I made an adapter to GPS 1 port. Still not working… Are there any parameters that I am not thinking of besides changing the function of the serial port to 5: GPS. What serial port should GPS 1 be?
At the CubeOrange: GPS1 - SERIAL3, GPS2 - SERIAL4. ONLY one serial function must be set to 5 if using one GPS receiver (SERIALx_PROTOCOL = 5). GPS_TYPE = 2 for uBlox GPS.
A little further clarification:
I’m unaware of any properly wired uBlox based GPS that is incompatible or problematic with the GPS2 port of the Cube.
Any UART (serial port) can be used for GPS. On the Cube Orange, SERIAL1 and SERIAL4 have half-duplex DMA enabled, which can be helpful when configuring high bandwidth telemetry or moving baseline (GPS-for-yaw).
The text labeling on the Cube lends itself to first-time user confusion. I wish they’d just label them as SERIAL or UARTx rather than suggesting what hardware should go where. To wit, the port labeled “GPS2” has NOTHING to do with the parameter “GPS_TYPE2” when only one GPS is in use. In a single GPS configuration, GPS_TYPE should be enabled (typically 1, AUTO), and GPS_TYPE2 should remain disabled (0).
Lastly, UART-based hardware should have the data pins connected as such:
Occasionally, silk screened labels make this incredibly confusing (as in the case of ArduSimple hardware), where the pins on the GPS module are labeled “backwards” to supposedly make it easier for a user to discern the proper connection order. My point is this: if you know the parameters are configured correctly, and the GPS is getting power, try swapping the pins labeled RX and TX, as you may have accidentally reversed them.