High_Latency Mavlink protocol in mission planner


I am trying to use the high latency mavlink and send it to mission planner. The question is, do I need to turn on some setting somewhere in mission planner for it to accept the high latency version. In Mavlink inspector I can see, that it is picking up on the messages, but it is not displaying them on screen. I do not understand why that is. Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you for the reply, I read the document, but sadly it did not help me that much. It does not mention if mission planner can simultaneously read high latency mavlink and regular or if I need to configure anything else on the mission planner side.

sorry, I don’t believe it can read it directly read with mission planner. Qground control does support it I think but you will need to check.

I assume you are using latest beta of Mission Planner
If you see the HIGH_LATENCY2 messages in the mavlink inspector, then MP received and processed the messages.
Do they have the same sysid and component id as the main vehicle ?
Receiving normal telemetry and HL simultaneously is not really something that you can see on the UI, since they are sending the same data…

If HL packets have a different sysid/component id, then it would show in the drop down box under the connect button.

high latency packets are sent to a serial port that is set to Highlatency2, it doesn’t replace your regular telemetry. mission planner wont connect to it as there is no heartbeat. the way i normally see that packet used is with satellite modems where you can only send a very small amount of data one way. so its usually converted to a different format and decoded with another application better suited for long duration monitoring.