High compass offsets after Magfit

Hey I did a flight of figure 8 to calibrate compass. After doing Magfit on the log I am getting following values.

Are these values right?

I don’t think we can give a definitive yes or no, but they’re possible. I get more worried when I see the COMPASS_MOT values at 10 across the board, that’s a sign of trouble.

Try running magfit on the web tools. It absolutely won’t give you the same numbers, but you might see a trend.

My experience with Magfit has been take the numbers and run with them. Touch wood, but it’s never let me down.


@Allister I ran them through Magfit Web tool and I found a similar trend

That tells me the numbers are valid. Run with them. I think I remember reading that Magfit in Mavexplorer is “more accurate” but I think in practice the difference is slim. I’ve used both and can’t tell the difference.

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