I fly with this build a lot of hours so far and never ran into something like that.
After flying in Loiter and AltHold modes, I experienced a GCS failsafe, and the drone changed to RTL as intended and started heading back home. While it was above its home location, the drone was descending normally, but within two seconds, it suddenly flipped upside down.
At this point, I had no control of the drone because the GCS failsafe, and the drone crashed into the ground.
Upon recovering the log from the drone, I found that between 18:14:367 - 18:16:514, the output to all the motors was not changing at all, even though the drone was flipping.
I viewed the release notes for all the later versions but did not find anything that I think could have caused the issue.
Any ideas on what could have caused this or how to prevent it from happening again?
Version: ArduCopter 4.0.4 on CubeBlack
Frame: hexa
log file: Logs/2023-03-07 10-18-05.bin at main · FleetWithMac/Logs · GitHub