Can anyone provide some advice on filter review? Here is my bin file. Thank you in advance!
There’s a bit of physical yaw imbalance, likely a twisted motor mount or two.
Motors 2, 4, 5 are working a little harder than Motors 1, 3, 6
Try to fix that before anything as it will change the vibration peaks and reduce the spread of frequencies.
Hover throttle is quite low, so I’m guessing you will have more payload fitted eventually. It might be good to fit some dummy payload now and see how the vibrations are then.
Also check prop balance because it’s mostly X and Y vibrations getting into the system, even though Z axis vibrations are higher. See what you can do with Z axis vibes too.
Check for wiring pulling or rubbing on your flight controller.
I was going to suggest some minor changes to the notch filter, but before that you should fix those physical issues and do another test flight.
We should see something around 30 Hz (plus that 60Hz peak) and hopefully that 15Hz peak mostly goes away.