Hex w/APM 2.6 running 3.2.1 - YAW seems uncontrollable

I am on the edge of getting this flying in stability mode. However, the copter starts to yaw immediately upon liftoff. Not just a little, but crazy yaw. I throttle down immediately.

I have gone through the setup via MP several times. I saw mention that might be a motor not spinning the correct direction. I verified they are all correct.

Another mention was a loose propeller. These are the self-tightening so I dont think that is it.

I even went through the process of ESC all-at-once calibration even though everything else I have read seems to indicate that the DJI E300 OPTO ESCs don’t require that.

I uploaded the log file here:
I had set the bitmask to the next highest, hopefully that will have the necessary data if someone can take a look see.
Thanks in advance as always

Logging set to low.

copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/config … og_bitmask

Need it set to NearlyAll so we can see what’s going on.

When done testing you will need to set it back.


Flying stable now.

The problem was with motor direction. All 6 were wrong.

With the self-tightening props I couldn’t just switch motor wires to change the rotation direction. And I am using the two white arms as a front-of-craft visual aid. So I moved all the motors over one and it is hovering well.

I originally built this craft using a CC3D. I guess I was used to the prop rotation scheme on that and didnt think about that when I changed out for the APM.

Thanks to the forum and those that responded. I appreciate the assistance.