Found the problem… I believe there is some bug when changing the channels in RCMAP.
I was running SBUS from an OrangeRX via Spektrum DX7s. I had to change the channels around to make it map correctly. Even though everything appeared correct in the radio calibration page of mission planner it was not…
To resolved I used the 3DR PPM encoder, removed the SBUS, and set the RCMAP assignments back to default. Now it works as it should!
I need to escalate this bug to the devs… I would really like to use SBUS from the OrangeRX.
From your log on DIYD you can see you have the channels mapped correctly using RCMAP.
I think the issue is that the OrangeRX receiver is also doing a remap. If you go to the Failsafe view you can see each channel in. By moving each stick you can confirm which channel is being mapped to. Can you check that with the normal mapping i.e… as A=Ch1,E=Ch2,T=Ch3,R=ch4. and lets us know what happens?
I changed the RCMAP around until the outputs in the tx calibration page showed the correct responses. It appears that not everything mapped correctly in that process and it didn’t work when I went to fly (despite the Tx page showing all neutral sticks).
I will double check this weekend and report back what the failsafe page shows.