Hereflow optical flow


According to the documents on using optical flow,

step 3 states that having to set EKF origin. It only says "In Mission Planner, right click, select “Set Home here”, and choose to set “set EKF origin here”. ", and does not explicitly state where. I am assuming that point is where i will want my drone to stay at.

However, in the event i do not have GPS, and do not have my exact location of my drone, how will this affect the accuracy of using the optical flow sensor?


For some reason, whenever a manual input is given to the drone to move it, it seems to always want to correct itself back to the pre-moved position.

I’ve attached a video as well as my .bin file here:

Hope to hear from someone soon!

Updating to stable 4.2.0 and posting a .bin log file might help you.

Hi @amilcarlucas

I have attached a video recording of how my drone flies together with my .bin file in the google drive link in my previous post

Also i am using 4.1.5 now, are there any important fixes that have been done for me to have to update to 4.2.0?

I’ve requested access to the log

hi @tridge ,

I have changed the folder permissions, please do try and access them again from here:

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