I have 2 Here3+ that I’m trying to connect to a Cube Orange. I set the parameters as instructed here: Here 3 Manual | CubePilot
as so:
CAN_D1_PROTOCOL: 1 (set virtual driver of CAN1 to DRONECAN)
CAN_D2_PROTOCOL: 1 (set virtual driver of CAN 2 to DRONECAN)
CAN_P1_DRIVER: 1 (set this parameter to enable CAN 1 bus)
CAN_P2_DRIVER: 1 (set this parameter to enable CAN 2 bus)
GPS_TYPE: 9 (set the communication protocol type of GPS 1 to DRONECAN)
GPS_TYPE2:9 (set the communication protocol type of GPS 2 to DRONECAN)
NTF_LED_TYPES: 231 (Set to DRONECAN for LED type)
One GPS’s node id is set to 125 the other is 124.
For some reason only the GPS that is connected to CAN2 is recognized and reports a 3d fix.
The GPS connected to CAN1 shows NO FIX.
This remains true even when I switch between the 2 GPSs.
Any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it?