I have assembled an hexacopter based on the Tarot 680 Pro frame and it flies perfectly. Autotune had been completed and everything works as it should with no errors; telemetry with Mission Planner etc…
I have purchased an Here+ RTK kit so its GNSS module is the Here+ rover.
What I want to do is to be able to prove with data that the RTK improves precision (Lat., Long., Alt.) in my application.
I have set 10 waypoints, including take off and RTL. It hovers at each waypoint during 10sec, then move to the next until it comes back to launch. I made 4 runs with GNSS only, and 4 runs with RTK fixed (needed 14+ satellites to be in RTK fixed). I have the dataflash log for all runs.
My question is this: can I just take the GPS Lat., Long., Alt. from the dataflash logs in the 8 runs mentionned above and compare the precision? I’m wondering if those data fields take into consideration the RTK corrections.
Also, is there a way to extract the RTK corrections from those fields to be able to prove overall gain?
Thank you very much.