Help with vtx power switch using ardupilot

I am new to fpv i have a heewing t1 vtol with radiomaster tx12 and rp4td rx also fitted with the moonlight 4k fpv camera the plane is configured as per factory for ardupilot.
I am seeking help adding the realpit vtx switch so in can use a switch on radio to turn on and off the power to vtx.
How to wire it up and the settings in ardupilot i can find betaflight but not ardupilot videos .
Any help much appreciated

The heewing flight controller doesnt have that functionality built in. Its not possible. Your vtx should be in low power until you arm. Its enough to keep it from overheating. If it isnt enabled. Looks in your goggle setting to enable low power stand by mode.

Thank you for the reply,to put it in standby/low power does the camera have to powered up I’m using Goggles l
Regards Michael

Hello Andre,
May I also ask how do I do the compass calibration the flying site as calibration indoors always gives a bad compass.
I believe you can assign a switch to perform this but not sure how to do settings in ardupilot.

Its under user paramters. Just assign it to a switch. Watch the messages to know when it’s done. I use yaapu telemetry on my radio. The messages tell you when its over. Or if you have a beeper.

Yes everything is powered up. It should be on automatically. It is on the moonlight and GT vtx.

Hello Andre, I’m using the walksnail moonlight vtx will it show up when done on this system.
Regards Michael