Help me to Logs on apm 2.8 v 3.2.1


i always have this error message when i’ll trie to load logs on apm 2.8 v3.2.1 .

Getting list of log files…
Error:System.TimeoutException: Timeout on read - GetLogEntry
à MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.GetLogEntry(UInt16 startno, UInt16 endno) dans C:\Users\michael\Source\Repos\MissionPlanner\Mavlink\MAVLinkInterface.cs:ligne 4326
à MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.GetLogList() dans C:\Users\michael\Source\Repos\MissionPlanner\Mavlink\MAVLinkInterface.cs:ligne 4266
à MissionPlanner.Log.LogDownloadMavLink.b__12_0() dans C:\Users\michael\Source\Repos\MissionPlanner\Log\LogDownloadMavLink.cs:ligne 90

why the program search in C:\Users\michael\Source\Repos\MissionPlanner\Mavlink how can solve this and having logs thanks

Same problem for me.