Heavy Lift Drone build ( 40 inch prop ) U15 II 100 KV Motor

Are you trying to ask how to set the lean angle for your drone?
If this is what you wanted to ask then I think you are not aware there is a the Configurator.

Yes @Jai.GAY @Juergen-Fahlbusch
How to set the lean angle of drone and what is the parameter of lean angle ?

The lean angle is a function that results from weight, horizontal force and thrust in order to fly without changing altitude. This angle is set by the flight attitude control, either manually by the pilot or automatically by the autopilot in a quad through different thrust of the individual motors.
But I still don’t think this answers what you actually want to know. But I still don’t know what your actual question is.
There is no absolute setting for the lean angle, only a partially different limitation of the lean angle in certain flight situations/modes.

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I am not very sure if these are what you are persistent about
ATC_ANG_xxx, most users use Autotune to get the values, step 1.9 is the answer if that is what you are looking for.


This is a senseless question. Do you mean Maximum Lean Angle as @Jai.GAY is suggesting?

Do you want to limit the lean angle?

Yes I want to limit the lean angle.
So what is the parameter of lean angle?

To limit the maximum lean angle you set the ANGLE_MAX parameter.
This is already part of the ArduPilot Methodic Configurator Software.
@Doctor_Ram Are you using it? You should!

Thank you @amilcarlucas for your response.

@Doctor_Ram Are you using ArduPilot Methodic Configurator?

No, I am not using ArduPilot Methodic Configurator. I am using Mission Planner.

OK, that explains the problems you are having. Good luck.