Hello, I am having trouble doing a manual takeoff with my tiltrotor aircraft. If I set Q_OPTIONS bit 1, when I enter TakeOff mode, both front engines instantly go up to 100% despite I have set KOFF_ACCEL_CNT=1 and TKOFF_THR_MINACC=12
According to the documentation, Q_OPTIONS bit 1 (+2), if set, will use a fixed wing takeoff instead of a VTOL takeoff for ground stations that can only send TAKEOFF instead of a separate VTOL_TAKEOFF mission command. Otherwise, QuadPlane will use VTOL takeoffs for a TAKEOFF mission command.
I am not sure if this is the right way to do what I want to do. My use case is:
1- I want my quadplane to take off in Normal Takeoff mode (because I use an airplane catapult to reduce battery consumption)
2- Then I do my flight
3- Then I want my quadcopter to come home and land in QLAND mode (because landing in a quadcopter does not consume too much battery and is so much more convenient than a normal landing)
You have to set Q_OPTIONS bit 1 to 1 so your quadplane knows that it can takeoff horizontally. If your VTOL is capable of FW landing (no props striking the ground and suitable landing gear) also set bit 2 and just use VTOL_LAND for vertical landing (IMHO you should use VTOL_LAND regardless of setting bit 2 for clarity).
Hello, Thank you for your response. I tested it without success. In takeoff mode, the plane always stupidly starts the engines at 100% as soon as I arm. I think there is a bug because arduplane does not even take into account the TKOFF_THR_MAX parameter or other parameters related to horizontal takeoff.
It is not so easy to understand your problem as you don’t show details of your plane.
Are the front motors tilt up for Q-mode or they are tilt down for fixed wing plane mode?
What modes shows your log.bin?
Hi Lupus, despite it is my first QPlane, I already own 5 other planes that I takeoff either by hand, catapult or runway. So I know how to configure those kind of takeoff and that’s what I did.
When I set TakeOff mode the front motors do not tilt up (as expected for a fixed wing takeoff). They only tilt up for Q modes (QStabilize for example). I already made some flights with this plane and it flight well but due to the problem I described I had to takeoff in QStabilize and then do the transition to FBW modes. I also tested to takeoff directly in FBWA and find something little bit weird : in FBWA mode the rear motor is running as the front motors. To me in FBWA without Q_ASSIST (QASSIST_SPEED=-1, QASSIT-ALT=0), only the front motor should run.
It looks that the Throttle output is ok (ie. zero which is correct due to takeoff not triggered by TKOFF_ACCEL_CNT) but in the same time, motors output are set to 100%
I by myself have no expierence in this field, only I try to understand problems and try to ask more or less intelligent questions which are sometimes help.
But I don’t understand your reaction on Lupus post.
I am very sure that you have some misconfiguration.
So why you don’t show your PARAMS and and log.bin file showing your issue.
TakeOff is unusable due to that but the rest is ok. Transition works fine. I just don’t understand why that back motor is running in FBW modes knowing that I disabled QASSIST params. I just want to use the plane as standard fixed wing plane during cruising without back motor running. I think that QPlane mode in arduplane for tilt tri vectored yaw is not fully mature.
are you starting with plane install then enabling quad plane? rebooting about 5 times as new options appear? Then setting up from top to bottom calibrations radio then ports then servos then mot directions THEN make sure the mp hud responds correctly. after that the battery prop size thingy tuner
list hardware and params and more people might help.
Found why the back motor is running when arming in FBWA. It is due to DSHOT being activated on outputs (Q_M_PWM_TYPE). If I switch this option to normal it does not occurs. Also found that none of the SERVO_BLH options has an impact on motor outputs. It seems that as soon as QPlane is enabled, the outputs are then driven only by Q_M options (seen by AP as motors and not anymore as Throttle output as in fixed wing). Also none of the TKOFF_THR options are used anymore, which is logical as outputs are not Throttle managed (seen as motor not Throttle as previously said). This is where I think there is a problem.