Gyros not calibrated

I previously posted on this subject last oct - November. where Gyros would not calibrate
At the time I had just installed an new autopilot from Ark Electronics. @alexklimaj has been amazing help in getting it set up last year. and @dkemxr and @xfacta gaave great insight. After re-flashing firmware the error went away however the past couple moths it appears intermittently. sometimes a re-start will clear it other times I can restart multiple times with no success. Anyway I was hoping someone can look over a couple logs again and see if the consensus is it is a hardware or perhaps a software issue? 2 files are posted one of a flight (auto mission) a second a log where the gyro errow would not clear
Download 2 files


I think it’s time you do an IMU temperature calibration.

are you saying this because you see an issue with the IMU temp (it was very high heat the 2 days I was having the most issues)? Where can I download the software referenced?

The software referenced can be downloaded from the referenced page. It contains detailed step by step instructions on how to download it, install it and use it.

If the gyros drift too much they might get detected as uncalibrated. It is worth a try. And you will learn something in the process