Guided_NOGPS - How to use it?

Good Day,
I read “SET_ATTITUDE_TARGET - this is the only message accepted by Guided_NoGPS” and the body pitch, roll and yaw rate inputs are disabled. which mean I cannot control that from Guided_NoGPS mode. The only way is to give it X, Y,Z position target and it will move to that position. Is this correct?

If it is correct it means I need an initial position lock and then a gps denied position estimation device like Optical flow(which I have). So does it mean I need a GPS to get initial position lock?

Thanks in advance!

You need to send a “SET_HOME_POSITION” mavlink message to get the system initialized.

Thanks for your reply!

I’m using mavros for communicating with the pixhawk.

So i came across -> cmd/set_home (mavros_msgs/CommandHome)

  • Change HOME location.

does this correspond to “SET_HOME_POSITION” mavlink message ?
when I am sending this im not getting a success response from pixhawk, unfortunately!
Does it have any prerequisites?