Guided mode in APM 2.8

Hi everyone,

I’m planning to start a new project and I’m getting used to the Ardupilot documentation (Copter). I have a really important doubt for my project. Can GUIDED MODE be used in the APM 2.8 board (the one based in Arduino Mega)?. Link to the board: (ÅMÅZÕÑ&qid=1487424171&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=apm+2.8+ardupilot&dpPl=1&dpID=51VVx0DIccL&ref=plSrch17)

Thank you so much for your answers!

Why not take a much better FC which is fully compatible with the latest software version such as PixHawk for $60?

You would then achieve your goal without problem. :slight_smile:


Thank you for your reply henrik04!

Yes it could be a perfect solution! But I’ve worked a lot in the Arduino enviroment and my near future plan is to build my own FC using similar components to APM 2.8 and adding some features (a second microcontroller to decide which is the next waypoint, some obstacle avoiding hardware,…).

Then, APM 2.8 doesn’t support Guided mode, doesn’t it?

Otherwise, is it possible to use AUTO MODE?

Thank you!

You’ll be fine doing guided mode and auto with APM 2.8 as it will run up to Copter 3.2.1. But it’s an unsupported board and you’ll missed out on latest versions, so I’d agree with Henri. Or better yet, Pixhawk 2. But if you specifically want Arduino then it should work.