Using Copter 4.0.5 on a kakute F7 board with a BN-880 GPS & Compass, the barometer reading is fine when plugged into USB, the moment that I plug battery in Altitude changes erratically from approx -3000 m and back to 0 m.
Strange thing though is that if I disconnect the BN-880 GPS (RX6/TX6) & Compass (I2C) and plug the battery in then the barometer is fine?
I’ve attached a log file, taken with drone on my desk, no props with everything plugged in, the Baro - ALT shows this erratic behavior. Spent the last 3 days trying to figure this out with no success, ANY advice would be greatly appreciated.
4 1970-01-01 02-00-00.bin (650.0 KB)