Last week everything was fine. Today I connected a HERE Flow to the CanBus and put on some Flow params. I am not able to get any SAT and it says GPS: No GPS.

GPS is a type 880 with Compass. GPS has blue LED on, flashing, with a brief red flash also.

So I unplugged the CanBus and that didn’t fix it.

So I reloaded a backup of the Parem file from last week, that didn’t fix it. It gets no satellites. now.

This is a Pixhawk 1 (9) from a 3D Robotics Iris. I am running the latest Arducopter 4.0.3.

Any ideas?

Maybe you somehow disconnected a wire? I’d check the serial wires, tx/rx between the GPS and FC.

I reset the wires and it is the same.