Hi I’m having some problems with Ublox GPS unit. My board is APM 2.6 the firmware ver. is 3.01. The problem is when I connect the GPS with APM in mission planner at the HUD I can see " GPS:3D fix" after a short while. But The blue LED of the GPS continue to blink. AS far as I know it sholud be solid blue. I have waited for about 80 mins but no result. The blue LED of the GPS blink but the HUD shows " GPS:3D fix" . What should I do? PLease help. and in this condition the copter refuse to arm in loiter mode. please give me a reply. I’m getting mad with it.
[wf]Copter software[/wf]
@mamun dip,
If you have a uBlox GPS the blue led will flash once a second when a lock is obtained and the HUD will show a 3D fix.
If you have a MediaTek GPS V2. the blue led will flash until a 3D fix is obtained and then will go solid blue.
TCIII Developer
My HUD is Showing 3D fix and The UBLOX gps Blue LED blinks. In some tutorials I have seen that after GPS lock at the mission planner a dashed circle is appeared and shows home. But in my mission planner I can’t see home. Another thing my copter don’t arm in loiter mode ? why ? please help.
@mamun dip,
What is the value of your waypoint radius set to in the Flight Planner? Since I run rovers, my waypoint radius is set to 2 m and is hidden under my rover icon on the Flight Data screen.
TCIII Developer
I never measured the way point radius. can you please tell me how I could do that? and please tell me whether I can arm the motors and takeoff in loiter mode. My firmware version is 3.0.1. my motors do not arm in loiter mode. Why?
Because in Copter 3.01, the controller only arms in STAB. Arming in other modes comes with 3.1.
and how the waypoint radius is measured? Can I fly in loiter mode even if the mission planner doesn’t show “home” with a dashed circle in the map(As I have seen in many tutorial)? But its showing GPS:3D fix. in the HUD.
@mamun dip,
Your waypoint radius value is in the left hand corner of the waypoint schedule pop-up at the bottom of the Flight Planner window.
TCIII Developer