Is the GPS Blending enabled by default for two installed GPS ??
I am replacing old 2.4.8 with Holybro Pixhawk 6C on my Quad and Hexa.
Regards //YB
Is the GPS Blending enabled by default for two installed GPS ??
I am replacing old 2.4.8 with Holybro Pixhawk 6C on my Quad and Hexa.
Regards //YB
Probably no, always double check your parameter list against the references on the wiki pages.
I have connected an M8N + I2C compass in the “compass2” port of the Holybro 6C and can see that the compass works. I can’t figure out which serial port to use for the GPS signal?. I am looking to use GPS Blending with two M8N gps. It seems that the Wiki for Pixhawk 2.4.8 does not apply here?
Compass 2 port? On the 6C there are 2 clearly marked GPS ports each with I2C connections for the compass for each module.
GPS_AUTO_SWITCH is set to “use best” by default. Change it to Blend if that’s what you want.
There is a Wiki for the 6C…
Pixhawk 6C
SERIAL4_PROTOCOL = 5 for the first GPS and it works. Is there no need to config the serial port för the second GPS ?. SERIAL1_PROTOCOL or SERIAL2_PROTOCOL to 5 ?. On Holybro docs is GPS2 configured as UART_8.
Thanks Dave. I read the 6c Wiki and perhaps I now know what is the issue,