Going straight with DC motors

Hello all,

I have been looking around for a while, and I am still in need of some clarification regarding my upcoming project of making an ArduRover RTK mower. :slight_smile:

As far as I can read, it’s pretty important to go straight for an RTK mower.
I think I read somewhere that RTK alone is not quite enough to go straight. I will need some proper motor driving, as well.

So my question for now is if DC brushed geared motors with dual quadrature encoders connected directly to Pixhawk will work along with RTK? :slight_smile: And then simple PWM motor drivers to drive the motors, but with no encoders connected to this.

Thank you in advance!

you dont need wheel encoders, the RTK gps will be enough.

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Alright. I’ll give it a go without. :slight_smile:
Thank you!