Getting error in Creating Tamperproof Firmware

I am following ardupilot/Tools/scripts/signing at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub link for Firmware Tamperpoofing.
I try to configure the board using
./waf configure --board BOARDNAME --signed-fw or
./waf configure --board BOARDNAME --signed-fw --private-key NAME_private_key.dat
but when using ./waf copter or ./waf copter --upload command I get a build error every time.

but when I try to configure the board without secure fw it is not giving any error during build time.

try using the commands:
./waf configure --board CubeOrange - > replace with your board
./waf copter --upload --upload-port=/dev/ttyACM0 → replace with your port

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Thanks for your response. It works for me.

Amazing ! Good luck in the future

I am trying 2nd method with the --upload command and it’s working as we added a port with the command.
but when I go with the first method then I have to fire ./waf coprter command at that time I am getting the same error so is there any suggestions on how to resolve that?