I put a very simple square geofence around my flying area. On the map the fence shows as running right along the edge of the road to the East. I got a fence breach, but the plane was clearly at least 50 to 75 meters west of the road. Yes I do have a 20m FENCE_MARGIN, but I’m still pretty sure I was a lot further than that from the road.
This was the second flight when this happened. The first time I wasn’t really paying attention and I assumed I’d flown over the road (no-no), but this time I was paying attention. I was no-where near it.
Log here: (the breach is around 15 minutes in) Dropbox - log_53_2022-9-13-18-50-56.bin - Simplify your life
Arduplane 4.2.3 on a Zealot H743.