Full negative pitch and unresponsive swash on alt hold

Hi there, I’ve set up a trex 500 with a pixhawk and it is flying fine in stabilise mode with all vibrations well within tolerances. However when I flick to alt hold or pos hold the collective locks down at full negative and is unresponsive. I’ve only tested this on the bench as in the air would surely lead to a massive crash.

Have I missed a parameter somewhere?

I just tested this for you and it appears to be normal behavior. I did not take my blades off and send a signal to spool up the heli though. Mine fly’s well in many flight modes. I always have taken off in stabilize and then check alt hold and loiter before I fly a mission just to make sure every thing looks OK.
David R. Boulanger

David, Thankyou very much for that. I had a very tentative play a few inches off the ground and it appeared to work fine once the heli was spooled up and the ESC was live. This was what puzzled me. I’ll have another play today and see how I get on.

Many thanks once again

Laurence Walkinshaw