According to Intelligent Energy Fuel Cell 2.4kW — Copter documentation, I set [BATT2_MONITOR] to 18 for the hydrogen tank telemetry. Recommended is also to set [BATT2_CAPACITY] = 100 in order to “give a sensible readout of a percentage on the GCS.”
Here is my question: Since the fuel cell only reports the tank pressure in bar, what it considered 100% fuel level? Is my understanding correct that if I set [BATT2_CAPACITY] to 100, the calculations always consider a full tank on every startup? However this seems not to be the case, as I get 30% now reported from the autopilot on startup.
Changing the code seems to be more complicated than I thought.
Could you point me in the right direction? Are the steps stated in Downloading the Code / Using Git — Dev documentation needed? I thought using NP++ to change one line would be sufficient…