Fuel Cell - Hydrogen Tank Pressure in Percent


According to Intelligent Energy Fuel Cell 2.4kW — Copter documentation, I set [BATT2_MONITOR] to 18 for the hydrogen tank telemetry. Recommended is also to set [BATT2_CAPACITY] = 100 in order to “give a sensible readout of a percentage on the GCS.”

Here is my question: Since the fuel cell only reports the tank pressure in bar, what it considered 100% fuel level? Is my understanding correct that if I set [BATT2_CAPACITY] to 100, the calculations always consider a full tank on every startup? However this seems not to be the case, as I get 30% now reported from the autopilot on startup.


What is “100%”?

Thanks in advance!

Code is here:

100% is 300 bar.

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Perfect answer, thanks a lot!
Now I just need to check how I can change the gradient.

Changing the code seems to be more complicated than I thought.
Could you point me in the right direction? Are the steps stated in Downloading the Code / Using Git — Dev documentation needed? I thought using NP++ to change one line would be sufficient…

Any help is much appreciated.

No, changing one line is not sufficient. You need to compile and upload the code. And to do that you do need to follow those instructions, yes.