Hello! It’s my first time using ardu and I am having some problem.
I am having difficulty getting RC input to work with my FrSky TD MX receiver and FrSky R9 RXSR Pilot flight controller via Mission Planner. The receiver is properly bound to my FrSky X20 (Ethos) transmitter, and telemetry is working, but I can’t get the radio calibration bars in Mission Planner to respond to stick movements.
I previously had it working via INAV before switching to ardu pilot so I know the hardware is working.
From the TD MX recover i am using the GND (Ground), VIN (Power Input), S.Port (Single-wire FPort)
I read somewhere that I should change the protocol for the Mission Planner Setting:
I don’t know what SERIAL I was suppose to use so I changed them all (1-7)
I have also set the serial protocol to RCIN on all.
The X20 shows telemetry data from the flight controller. Done anyone have any insight into why my current setup might be failing to register RC inputs in Mission Planner?