Follow Me / Way Point Smoothing

During either follow me or an autonomous mission; whenever a way point is reached, the copter is extremely abrupt in transitioning to the next position. Is there a way to ease the throttle back to full after each direction / position change? Might even be useful to have an option to set each way point to be able to ease in and out of each position, so that when you are filming there are no abrupt direction changes.

Another solution (at least for follow me mode) would be to have the drone update its position more frequently. It seems to me that by the time IRIS realizes where it’s supposed to be too much time has passed and the only way for it to catch up is to speed as quickly as possible to the next reported position, causing it to jump.

Are there any tricks that are currently available in Mission Planer or Tower?

Great question. I’d like to know about this too. My first mission was the same way. My data showed that I was at almost 40mph during parts of the mission. It would hit a waypoint blow past it, slam on the brakes, loop back around and continue to the next waypoint. My WPNAV SPEED was set default to 1000 cm/s, about 22 mph. That is about 2x the indicated setting. I’ll Have to post my mission from Droneshare. Maybe we are missing some calibration.

I know that in droid planner 2, you can modify a waypoint to change the mission speed from it’s default to another, slower speed. From that waypoint forward it will fly at the new speed until you tell it different. But don’t go too slow on longer missions as you’ll begin wondering if you have enough battery to complete the mission.

However, I’m not sure where this “default speed” is and how to change it, either in droid planner 2 or in the bird.