Follow Me Box?

Some time ago there was a forum post (I think from Chris) about a ‘follow me box’ of some kind that 3DR was manufacturing. It seemed like a great idea as it’s not practical for me to use a laptop with GPS dongle in the situations I want to use this mode.

What ever happened to that? If it’s not going to be made what’s the simplest way to do ‘follow me’?


Droidplanner/Andropilot and a phone.

It lost momentum because of the Android tablet based solutions. I still have prototype hardware and I am looking for developers to continue the project. If you are interested, please contact me.

I’m going to give the DroidPlanner/tablet approach a go next week.


Any news? Did it work?

Take a look to this post if you want to try follow me mode using an android tablet or phone: … lanner-2-0

I just ordered a Globalsat USB dongle GPS receiver (ND-105C) yesterday for use of Follow me mode in my Pixhawk. But thinking back of what I read before ordering :–

  1. Do I need this dongle as my Samsung tablet (model SM-T330NU) has already had GPS equipped ? The tablet can acquire over 9 satellites in 6-7 seconds. I have installed both Droidplanner and Andropilot in my tablet.

  2. When initiating Follow me mode, assuming I plug the GPS receiver to the USB port of my tablet, do I still need to plug in the telemetry radio (ground module) to the laptop to establish link with the Pixhawk ?