*Setting WPNAV-SPEED TO 750 yielded about 18 mph. This was a much more comfortable speed for me.
*Using Droid Planner 2 and setting the last waypoint to RTL instead became a circle. I it really threw me off. Once I got it into an orientation I liked I flipped into STD mode and landed it myself. The thing that stunk was its speed of 35-40 mph in the circle. Should have just flipped into pos hold.
*Keep trim setting neutral or it will screw up GPS modes. I was wondering why pos hold wasn’t holding…trim was out. I put it that way for STD mode to compensate for the camera pulling it forward. POS hold didn’t like it. Put it back and it’s fine.
*It’s a twitchy little bird in the GPS flight modes. Both pos hold and loiter show this. I’ve tried loosening up the sensitivity but it still does it. Still trying to figure that out. I’m not one for making big setting changes without knowing the consequence, so I may adjust the pitch/roll sensitivity a little more.
*When planning a mission be aware of your Geo Fence being on. If you plot a waypoint too far out beyond the fence Iris will do a good job of ending your mission and RTL. Ask me how I know. (Fence Breach)
*For the new guys…know what switch does what and practice getting the feel of them without looking. If you flip RTL and thought you were flipping into loiter you’re going to wonder what the hell is going on. It’ll freak you out. For that matter I’d suggest you get decent with flying in STD before you go too far. It may save you cash later.
*Buy a better battery charger so you can really see how many mAh your putting back into the battery. About 4000 mAh puts you at 80% on a 5100. You can also charge at 1C or 5.1 amps 40 to 45 min charging time. You can also set a 50% charge for storage of about 3.85v per cell. Also number your batteries so you don’t accidentally use the same one twice and end up in a failsafe land. Could ruin your battery if you dip it below 3.1v too.
*Be aware of all the different units of measurement. Between mission planner, pixhawk logs, droid planner and so on they are numerous. mp/s, km/h, cm/s, mph, m, Ft…you get the picture.
*In Droid planner/Tower, you can have your telemetry called out to you if you like. From every 15sec to 60sec it will call out Battery volts, Altitude, Airspeed, Signal Strenth. Settings-User Interface-Periodic Status. Check it out.
*I’ve found that some tutorials/calibrations are outdated as updated hardware, software, firmware have been introduced.
*Last for now anyway, I’m really enjoying the flying and videos I take. I’ve got somewhere in the range of 35 flights long and short on it now and it has been good to me. I upgraded firmware to 3.2.1 and flew today with great results. When I think of more I’ll post here. Feel free to add to this.