Hello Guys i am making autonomous 6 liter agriculture drone so i am confused which flight controller to choose Jiyi k++ v2 or pixhawk 6c vs pixhawk 6c mini & frame is EFT G06
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Hello Guys i am making autonomous 6 liter agriculture drone so i am confused which flight controller to choose Jiyi k++ v2 or pixhawk 6c vs pixhawk 6c mini & frame is EFT G06
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These are the open and closed flight controller support Ardupilot firmware.
Here are Holybro flight controller compare.
So, you need to understand what you need and choose the right flight controller. If you need to run Lua script, minimum a H7 MCU and above flight controller + SD card slot (I have not try H7 without SD card slot).
If you need a companion computer onboard, I suggest a FC serial port that can run 921600bps.
Do you need GPS blending?
Well you can rule out Jiyi, not supported. The HolyBro Pixhawks are good choices also Cube Orange +.
I need waypoint navigation for the crops with spraying & also with obstacle avoidance using lidar facing 3 directions & i am also familiar with ardupilot
Ohh ok thanks & I had doubt if i use pixhawk 6c & 6c mini on this frame they will gave stability right ?
On any frame