Fence_alt_max not working

I have set the FENCE_ALT_MAX to 100 meters and configured all the breach parameters, but during this flight, the vehicle is not breaching the fence even after crossing the FENCE_ALT_MAX.
I have shared the .bin file of that flight.


@amilcarlucas @rmackay9 can you please help me?

I would suggest updating the firmware to current Stable and troubleshoot from there, you have an old version of firmware.

Have you looked at this log? It’s pretty much a mess. But, the rangefinder drops out ~90M. During this there is massive thrust loss generating errors and then you apparently panic switch RTL about 10 times and switch on the sprayer. It looks like someone got ahold of the radio and started flipping switches.

And tuning is not present on this craft. I assume it’s a fairly large Hexa from some parameters you set so this is potentially dangerous.

@Manish patiently follow every step described on Quick start guide | MethodicConfigurator It correctly configures the fence for you.

The more steps you skip, the worse the vehicle will behave.