By looking in the telemetry log (xxx.log)
I can find that was failsafe event.Statustext (253)
- Dose the failsafe event can be seen only in this massage?
- I want to monitor this massage online by another tool please you advise
By looking in the telemetry log (xxx.log)
I can find that was failsafe event.Statustext (253)
All such events are displayed in the HUD of mission planner already. You do not need to change anything.
Just connect MP to the vehicle using telemetry. And look at the MP screen, if you do not look at the MP screen you will not see the messages.
If you want to write your own tool the Mavlink HEARTBEAT message has a MAV_STATE field where you can check if the vehicle is in failsafe.
Thank you, I don’t use MP. I need to know Failsafe event only according telemetry.
What are my options?
Thank you I look at MAV_STATE - state 5,6,8 report on Failsafe according - critical, emergency, termination.
According the telemetry בשמ I know the exact failsafe from statustext only?
I don’t use mission planner.