Hi, I’m trying to setup the failsafe on my 2.5 system… using a DX8, I’ve gone through TX calibration several times thinking maybe something did not register correctly as every time I go to setup failsafe the throttle values remain very close at the low setting whether the TX is on or off, I can confirm the throttle channels is registering high and low values. Here is what I’m getting on the screen:
TX on, throttle low - 1106
TX off - value only drops 2 points to 1104
Any help as to what I’m missing/doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
I assume that you have followed these Arducopter Wiki instructions to setup your failsafe: copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/failsafe/
TCIII Admin[/quote]
I have… just realized that the receiver im using has failsafe built in (AR600 - DSMX) could this be the issue?
Yes, that is probably your issue. I have read about other members on the DIY Drones website having the same problem with Spektrum equipment. If the search engine on the DIY Drones site was not broken, it would be easy to find out what they did to fix it.
Yes, that is probably your issue. I have read about other members on the DIY Drones website having the same problem with Spektrum equipment. If the search engine on the DIY Drones site was not broken, it would be easy to find out what they did to fix it.
TCIII Admin[/quote]
Thanks TCIII! yeah tried a search before posting and got a “Nothing Found” result. I’ll do some more research though I have a possible solution to the problem that I’ll try tonight. Perhaps the wiki can be updated to include the solution/steps to take for users with failsafe enabled receivers.
ok, the solution I had in mind worked… if using an RX with failsafe you have to bind the TX/RX at a lower throttle setting, then bring it up to normal low values and calibrate on mission planner. These are the steps I took:
Before binding with RX, go to the travel adjust menu… and at low throttle bump the values from 100% to 130% (so at low throttle your telling the RX failsafe to set itself at 30% bellow normal)
Before calibrating on mission planner, set throttle travel back to 100% and calibrate per the instructions.
Now when you set the failsafe on mission planner the channel 3 throttle values will drop close to what you see on the reference images in the instructions, mine where TX on - 1106 and TX off - 988
Nice work Roberto. I am sure that what you found will be of great value to other members who are in the same situation with their Spektrum R/C equipment.
Thanks, I had the same ‘how do I set failsafe with my dx8’ moment and this worked perfectly. Now I have to figure out why I lose control and my tricopter shoots up in the air…